Donate Now

The Pegasus Project is a non-profit 501(c)(3) foundation, funded entirely through donations. If you believe in The Pegasus Project's mission, we encourage you to make a contribution.  We are always seeking volunteers, supplements, tack and hay - but what ultimately feeds these horses is money.

For credit card donations, click here:

Check or cash donations may be mailed to:
The Pegasus Project, Inc.
P. O. Box 26
Ben Wheeler, TX 75754

Give with confidence; The Pegasus Project is a Gold Star rated GuideStar charity. Learn more about Pegasus and read more about GuideStar here.

Better yet, become a monthly Pegasus Partner!

Pegasus Partners


Did you know Pegasus relies entirely on private donations? Our regular monthly donors, known as Pegasus Partners, are our most treasured asset. For as little as $10/month you can help provide us with a predictable source of income at a much lower cost than any other fundraising method. While we are very appreciative of one-time donations, the monthly donations of our Pegasus Partners allow us to plan ahead.

Our ability to save these helpless horses, donkeys and mules depends on YOUR donations!

We cannot do this without you! 

Pegasus Partners has 4 levels of participation.

$10/Month Donors receive:

Pegasus Project Car Decal
Subscription to Pegasus Project eNewsletter
Your choice of a Pegasus Project T-Shirt or Ball Cap

$25/Month Donors receive:

Happy Hour Membership & Pegasus Logo Wine Glass
Pegasus Project Car Decal
Subscription to Pegasus Project eNewsletter
Your choice of a Pegasus Project T-Shirt or Ball Cap

$50/Month Donors receive:

Annual Pegasus Project Calendar
Personal Tour for 6 of The Pegasus Project Ranch
Happy Hour Membership & Pegasus Logo Wine Glass
Pegasus Project Car Decal
Subscription to Pegasus Project eNewsletter
Your choice of a Pegasus Project T-Shirt or Ball Cap

$100/Month Donors receive:

Free Admission to all Pegasus Mini-Clinics
Happy Hour Membership & Pegasus Logo Wine Glass
Annual Pegasus Project Calendar
Personal Tour for 6 of The Pegasus Project Ranch
Pegasus Project Car Decal
Subscription to Pegasus Project eNewsletter
Your choice of a Pegasus Project T-Shirt or Ball Cap.

Monthly Donation